Abinta Kabir
Freshmen Seminar
November 18, 2015
Reflection Analysis 4
Who am I? Why am I here? Who is/are the author(s) of my story? What does it matter?
Looking back at all the activities, reflections, and PCEs that we have done, they have
helped me organize my thoughts about the world, others, and myself. These activities and
assignments helped me reflect about my goals and my values. That is why, they have
enabled me to somewhat answer the question, who am I. This is actually a very difficult
question to answer especially because I am trying to figure out who I am as a person. I
believe that the experiences during college and etc will help me fully unders tand the
person that I will become. However, momentarily, I believe that I am a person who has
strong values that I try to live by. For example, in PCE/C I discussed the five most
important values to me and I believe that those are a central part of who I am. I try to be
honest and respectful to those I care about and even those who I don’t know. Furthermore,
I care about people and one of my goals that I mentioned in the blueprint is to open a NGO in
Bangladesh. That is also why I really liked the service project at Stone Mountain because I
was able to help children and volunteer. Also, I believe that my culture and nationality are a
huge part of who I am. Coming from Bangladesh, which is a developing nation, I feel as
though it is my duty to help my country even if it is through a small contribution. That is
why in PCE/D I illustrated that I strive to achieve my goals so that at the end I can help my
country and others.
The reason as to why I am here in this world is maybe because I am set out to help
those who are less fortunate than I am. Like I said before I feel passionately about helping
others and I believe that is what I am set out to do ultimately. Also, I am here in Oxford
College because it is a perfect stepping stone for me in order to achieve my goals. However,
in order to achieve them those around me will play a major role in my life. I think there are
multiple authors to my story because everyone, no matter how big their role is in my life,
have affected me in some way or another. My parents are the main authors to my story.
Without them I don’t think I would be the person I am today. My friends are also authors
to my story because they bring me happiness, entertainment, and support no matter what
the circumstance is. I know without them I wouldn’t have learnt to do so many things and
also I wouldn’t have learnt how to be true to who I am. That is why in the beginning of my
letter, I wrote it is important to meet people that will support you and bring you happiness.
Furthermore, it is important to meet people that will stand beside you no matter how hard
life gets. Thus, I believe that I have an incredible friend who will last forever and that’s why
they are such a huge part of my story.
Ultimately, all of this matters because it helps me to fully understand what I want to do in
life and what I need to work on. All the activities and assignments that we did helped
understand what I need to and what I don’t need to do in order to be the best possible me.
Overall, I am one step closer into finding who I am fully and what I want to achieve in life.
Elegant Heights
30/2, 30/3, 14th Floor, Progoti Sharani
Shahjadpur, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh